Saturday, July 14, 2012

New Residents at 15 Elm Street

Along with the official arrival of summer in June, Elm Street Gardens had two new animals arrive.  Orange kittens, adopted from the Atlanta Humane Society (where we had a thoroughly pleasant experience), arrived and were greeted warmly by our standard poodle, Rives. 
Rives greets a new kitty.
 The “tomboys” are brothers and so identical that we have put a blue collar on one and a red collar on the other.  As it turns out, however, they are so different in temperament that we can tell Harris from Harley Jr. without the collars.  Harris loves and demands to be picked up and petted while Junior is skittish and not so sure about contact with humans. Junior is just starting now to show signs of more sociability and accepts petting and sitting in a lap occasionally. 
The kittens watch Rives play in the yard from the safety of the back porch.
 So now we have three animals named after our house on Elm Street.  Our 1843 Greek Revival house is locally referred to as the Harley-Harris-Rives house after three of the main owners prior to us.  We had another orange cat named Harley who died a couple of years ago, hence the “junior” after the current Harley’s name.  And, in deference to a current Rives family member who clearly prefers dogs to cats, we had named our dog after her family.  Both kittens love Rives the dog and, in turn, he adores them.  Matter of fact, he is the main object of Junior’s affection. 
The boys take it easy.
 As the days go by, the tomboys are growing and becoming more and more adventurous in their exploration of the grounds.  We have high hopes of them becoming adept hunters of various and sundry rodents in the garden, but in the meantime we are content with enjoying their kittenish antics as they play together or with Rives.  There is no doubt about it:  kittens are awfully cute. 


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